about California's social
and environmental justice issues.

And so it begins...

The Callegory, also known as the California Allegory, is an interdisciplinary collaboration– uniting arts, education, and organizing to strengthen collective power for social and environmental justice.

Active Projects
(Ongoing Plotlines)

Our latest graphic!

Our latest graphic!

Created over four years, this image illustrates legacies of destruction and creation in the Bay-Delta bioregion– paying tribute to interconnected movements from the Central Valley and Bay Area.

From the Valley to the Bay Fellowship

A six-month, hybrid in-person and virtual arts activism program. Are you part of this story?

Follow us on Instagram!


Follow us on Instagram! 🤍

Check out what we’re up to, join our team of artists/educators/organizers, learn more about the work ahead. Volunteer or host us at your university, event, or community venue!

Get in touch!

Have any questions or comments, thoughts or ideas?